St. Mary's, Beddington, are looking for people who have memories associated with the Royal Female Orphanage, who would be happy to share these as part of their Oral History project.
This is being funded as part of their National Lottery Heritage Fund Project: Restoring and Celebrating the Art and Craftsmanship of St Mary’s, Beddington, which aims to engage the local community as well as new and diverse audiences with the church’s heritage and collections through its Activity Plan. They’d be particularly interested in hearing from you if:
If you are interested in participating and would like to find out more, please contact their Activity Plan Coordinator, Philippa Mesiano at [email protected].
A new interactive 3D scan of Little Holland House has been made available. Click/tap on the image below to explore this delightful Arts and Crafts building.
Voting closed at 17:00 on 9 August. 97 forms were returned to Sue Kelsall, providing 127 votes, so a majority of our members. Everyone voted to accept the Trustees’ report, the summary of accounts with the Treasurer’s Report and re-elected the Trustees listed i.e. Lucy Kelsall, Sue Kelsall, John Phillips and Tony Price, and Alan Crosier as Honorary Auditor
All voting papers will need to be returned to the Chairman, Sue Kelsall, by 17:00 on 9 August.
A full report of the outcome of the AGM will be put on The Friends’ Website shortly afterwards. We’re delighted to announce that Honeywood Museum will reopen on Thursday 20 May, Thursdays to Saturdays 10:00 to 17:00. We’re excited to welcome you back for a thoroughly enjoyable visit. You can book your visit through our eventbright page where you can also see any new exhibitions, events and fun family activities that we’ll have available. Walk-in visits will also be available.
What will my visit be like? Your safety, and that of our staff, is our highest priority. That’s why we’ve introduced timed visits to stagger entry flow and help with social distancing. A ticket allows a group of up to six people from the same household or support bubble to visit the building for one hour. Visitors are also required to wear face coverings during their visit. Combined with a one-way route and an enhanced cleaning regime, including hand sanitisers on entry, we are pleased to be welcoming our visitors back safely. The Friends' Shop Our Shop at Honeywood Museum, with its range of unusual gifts and publications, will be open throughout the Museum's opening hours. Honeywood Tea Room Honeywood's Tea Room opening times remain unchanged, Monday to Thursday 10:00-18:00 and Friday to Sunday 10:00-18:30. Little Holland House is currently closed until further notice due to project works. Alice's Mad Tea Party and Carshalton-on-Sea from 2015, Honeywood Heritage Centre becoming a Museum in 2007 and Carshalton's WW1 commemoration in 2014.
We've added a page on the Olympic Torch Relay in 2012, and another looking back on Carshalton's Woolly Coven, the Yarn Bombers!
New for 2021 - a look at our amazing local history through the images depicted on picture postcards from the early 20th century.
A very happy Christmas to all our members, Friends, volunteers, front-of-house staff and viewers. We hope 2021 will prove to be a far happier and settled year for everyone.
Our Tea Room is now closed, and, as things stand, will reopen on Friday 1 January.
Honeywood Museum is unfortunately now closed as a result of Greater London being placed in the Covid-19 local restriction Tier 3.
Please do look back for further news updates when we are able to announce any change. Honeywood Tea Room remains open for takeaways. Arranging your visit and what to expectHoneywood Museum is open from 12:00-17:00 on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays only from Thursday 4 December until Saturday 19 December. Visitor numbers are limited. Entry is free and guaranteed access may be pre-booked from here where all further details, and what to expect on arrival, are outlined. Please note that face coverings are a mandatory requirement for visitors to wear during their visit unless they are exempted - see item 3. here. Limited priority telephone bookings are available earlier each day on 020 8770 4740. Visits will be of one hour in duration and entry times will be staggered so that social distancing may be maintained. Donations are very welcome at this difficult time. Twelve Days of Christmas at Honeywood Museum
A short appreciation of local composer Samuel Coleridge-Taylor for October's Black History Month 2020, and the opportunity to listen to some of his wonderful music: click/tap on the image below.
Find out about Honeywood Museum's involvement in this year's Wandle Fortnight and Open House London weekend on our Events page.
So as not to cancel them in current circumstances, our speakers have very kindly agreed alternative arrangements with us. These talks will now be provided by a private YouTube channel. To be able to join these virtual events you will need to send Susan Hoskin ([email protected]) your email address so you can be sent the link. Please note that bookings close 24 hours before each event.
There will be no charge for these talks but donations to The Friends would be extremely welcome either by cheque or by bank transfer to: The Friends of Honeywood Museum: Sort code: 40-45-17: Acc No: 71222988 |
What's NewThe latest news from The Friends and from Honeywood Museum! |