The Friends of Honeywood Museum
Join The Friends, or renew your Membership
Join The Friends of Honeywood Museum - click here for details. There are three pages: the Application Form, a Standing Order Form should you wish to use it, and a Gift Aid Form which we encourage all UK tax-payers to complete (adds 25% to your subscription at no cost to yourself!).
Please use the same form for Renewals - we will recognise you as an existing member when we receive it!
Our current subscription rates are £10 for Single Membership and £15 for Family Membership.
Please use our Contact Form to let us know you have made an online payment so that we are able to look out for the transaction and allocate it appropriately. Please also contact us if you have any questions.
Chris Ford, our Membership Secretary may be contacted from here.
Please use the same form for Renewals - we will recognise you as an existing member when we receive it!
Our current subscription rates are £10 for Single Membership and £15 for Family Membership.
Please use our Contact Form to let us know you have made an online payment so that we are able to look out for the transaction and allocate it appropriately. Please also contact us if you have any questions.
Chris Ford, our Membership Secretary may be contacted from here.
We are a Charity formed to raise funds to support Honeywood Museum and to encourage as many people as possible to take an interest in our local history.
● We help to pay for many items; for Sutton's heritage collections, for the Museum's collection and for Events at the Museum ● We run the shop at the Museum, publishing books and offering popular publications, including historical maps, that offer a wide-ranging insight into local history ● We produce a selection of popular greetings cards that reflect our heritage, and that of Carshalton and surrounding areas ● We support a number of local artists through many items we stock ● We sell unusual gifts and have a large range of pocket-money toys and games ● We organise talks and events throughout the year that are associated with both our local history and other interests ● We publish quarterly Newsletters for our members throughout each year along with 'What's On at Honeywood Museum' ● We offer our Volunteers a huge range of activities that involves them in the working and development of the Museum ● We receive our funding from membership subscriptions, donations, sales of merchandise and publications, and events |
● YOU? We would love you to join us, support our wonderful Museum and help increase awareness of our local heritage
Membership of The Friends offers you discounted ticket prices and priority booking to enjoy most of the Friends’ and the Museum's events, along with full colour quarterly Newsletters.
Membership of The Friends offers you discounted ticket prices and priority booking to enjoy most of the Friends’ and the Museum's events, along with full colour quarterly Newsletters.
Our quarterly Newsletters for our Members are in full colour
Volunteering at Honeywood Museum
The Friends of Honeywood Museum needs volunteers to help with events that they run, such as Carshalton-on-Sea and the Carshalton Frost Fair and to assist with their activities e.g. at the Environmental Fair. If you would like to help The Friends raise money to support the Museum and raise its profile then please email the Chairman of the Friends, John Phillips, at
Volunteers at Honeywood Museum are so important to us that they have a dedicated page HERE
Volunteers at Honeywood Museum are so important to us that they have a dedicated page HERE
The Board of TrusteesJohn Phillips (Chairman)
Lucy Kelsall (Secretary) Chris Cartwright (Treasurer) Chris Ford (Membership Secretary) Susan Hoskin (Talks Secretary) Jeannette Crosier Martin Harbridge Tony Price Jill Whitehead |
Co-opted Board MembersMargo Cartwright
Elizabeth Price Katy Rainger Council RepresentativeCllr. Jake Short
Contact the Trustees
Click HERE to contact the Trustees directly. Add the word 'Trustees' to your subject header.