We resumed work on the garden yesterday after a break of more than two months. One important thing has happened in that period: a new safety barrier has been installed around the well and the culvert behind the house. This replaces a temporary plastic mesh barrier and was half funded by The Friends of Honeywood Museum and half by the Council. Yesterday we cut down a box hedge which was next to the wall of the sheds area. The waste had to be cut up and bagged to get it off site so it was a big job. The box was originally planted in a mock Tudor knot garden which was created for the opening of the museum in 1990. It was moved many years ago and had grown into a thick hedge. It is one of the sunny spots in a rather heavily shaded garden and we think the area would be better used as a plant bed. There were cold frames on the spot in the 1920s. The box has also got box-blight. The other box in the garden is in a very bad state and the hedge was likely to go the same way before the end of summer. We still need to dig the roots out so work will resume next session.
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Honeywood Garden NewsFollow our progress as we renovate the gardens at Honeywood Museum. Archives
June 2024